Written by Zeeco | Jun 15, 2021 10:35:30 PM

The ZEECO VerifEye™ fiber optic pilot monitoring system delivers a new level of instantaneous, discrete, and automatic flare pilot detection.

Instantaneous, verified, robust pilot monitoring.

Our system uses fiber optics integrally mounted in the flare pilot to relay the status of each unique pilot flame to an at-grade monitor in real-time. Because the monitors incorporate flame flicker technology to discern between the pilot and flare flame, a discrete, accurate, and instantaneous signal is possible among the pilots and between the pilots and the flare flame. The system is more accurately controls pilot ignition and function because it operates on a realtime, instantaneous signal.

To eliminate maintenance issues, the entire VerifEye system, including cables, fasteners, and connectors, is constructed for high-temperature applications and focuses on the pilot flame from a safe distance within the pilot well — not in contact with any combustionaffected zones. Our engineers centered the fiber optic assembly in the air-gas premix piping, so the continuous flow of air and gas during operation creates a thermal barrier against combustion temperatures.

The VerifEye system is more responsive than a thermocouple, more accurate than a flame rod or typical optical monitor, and more robust than any other technology on the market today.

VerifEye™ Fiber Optic Flare Pilot Monitoring System

Design Features and Benefits

  • Accurate, real-time pilot status monitoring, regardless of wind or flame conditions
  • Robust performance between scheduled turnarounds
  • Discriminates among individual pilot flames and between pilot and flare flame
  • Remote, non-contact monitor mounted at grade
  • Instantaneous signal helps prevent unintended releases due to pilot failure
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