Combustion Electronics
flame scannERS
Zeeco offers a complete line of integrated flame scanners that provide reliable flame detection and superior background flame signal suppression for single and multiple burner applications.
The ZEECO ProFlame and ProFlame+ series are primarily used in power, wastewater treatment and industrial plants, as well as refineries, pulp and paper, steel, or other industries with furnaces that fire oil, gas, coal, biomass, chemicals and other waste products.
- ProFlame industrial grade scanners are available in three models: ZPF-110 (Zone 1 hazardous); ZPF-120 (Zone 2 hazardous); and ZPF-130 (nonhazardous areas).
- ProFlame+ utility grade scanners are also offered in three models: ZPF-1100UV, ZPF-1100IR, and ZPF -1100DS (Zone 1 hazardous); ZPF-1200UV, ZPF-1200IR, and ZPF-1200DS (Zone 2 hazardous); and ZPF-1200UF and ZPF-1200IF (fiber optic).
- ProFlame+ SRU Scanner is specifically designed to provide reliable flame detection and superior background flame discrimination in SRUs.
ProFlame+ SRU Flame Scanner
The ZEECO® ProFlame+SRUTM Integrated Flame Scanner was specifically designed to provide reliable flame detection and superior background flame discrimination in SRUs.
Combustion Electronics Products & Capabilities
Zeeco offers a complete line of integrated flame scanners that provide reliable flame detection, and superior background flame signal suppression for single and multiple burner applications
Flame Simulator
Flame simulation for IR and UV Flame Scanner
Vortex Cooled Flame Scanners
ZEECO® Flame Scanners use vortex tube cooling technology to spot cool the scanner internals. Vortex tubes use compressed air as a power source, have no moving parts, and operate according to
Case Study: ProFlame Scanner
A Case Study in Engineering, Experience and Expertise: ProFlameTM and Entergy: Cleaner Power to the People
ProFlame Utility Grade Flame Scanner
Model ZPF-1200UV / ZPF-1200IR / Model ZPF-1200DS
ProFlame+ SRU Flame Scanner
Models ZPF-1200SRU +ZPF-1100SRU
ProFlame Integrated Flame Scanner
Model ZPF-120
ProFlame Inegrated Flame Scanner
Model ZPF-110
ProFlame Integrated Flame Scanner
Model ZPF-130
ProFlame+ Utility Grade Flame Scanner
Model ZPF-1100UV / Model ZPF-1100IR / Model ZPF-1100DS
FLARE monitorS
Current indirect methods for monitoring combustion efficiency are inaccurate inefficient, tedious, and expensive to operate. Zeeco’s patented Video Imaging Spectro-Radiometry (VISR), Infrared (IR) and Fiber Optic technology allow direct flare combustion monitoring systems to deliver accurate, real-time, easy-to-read feedback on flare system performance to an at-grade monitor.
The ZEECO® VerifEyeTM fiber optic pilot monitoring system delivers a new level of instantaneous, discrete, and automatic flare pilot detection.
ZEECO® FlareGuardian flame monitor utilizes the patented Video Imaging Spectro-Radiometry (VISR),a real time multi-spectral imager, that directly, autonomously, and continuously measures
Hydrocarbon Engineering 2018: Focus on Flare Pilots
Clayton A. Francis, Zeeco Inc., USA, discusses the requirements of modern flare pilot detection systems.
Contour Smokeless Flare Control System
The ZEECO® Contour™ is an automatic flare control system created by Zeeco flare engineers for the specific purpose of optimizing flare control to prevent non-compliance with environmental
Hydrocarbon Engineering 2016: Scorching Solutions
Services we offer
Zeeco can provide combustion and emissions control solutions wherever hydrocarbon processing takes place. Customers can find our equipment and services in upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and energy processes.
We also offer products and support for other industries and applications such as tank/terminal loading and storage, pharmaceutical, carbon black, pulp & paper, steel, food processing, and more.