Whether your application requires a full plant emergency relief flare or a portable incinerator while maintenance is performed on a permanent unit, Zeeco offers combustion rental equipment at your disposal. Our open flaring equipment ranges from small skid and trailer-mounted flares to 300+ ft tall elevated systems. Our enclosed vapor combustor, incineration, and flare systems can dispose of anywhere from very small process vent streams to 30,000+ cfm contaminated air streams. Our pipeline compression units allow operators to recover gasses rather than venting or flaring during a pipeline blowdown, helping to mitigate methane emissions while recovering product for reuse.
While our range of capabilities is vast, the common features with all Zeeco rental equipment is ease of installation and a simple customer interface. Contact us today. Our Combustion Rental Group engineers are ready to provide you with a detailed review of your application right now.
Zeeco Rentals Dispatch Process

Zeeco receives your inquiry
Process Design Review
We request your process data, such as gas composition, flow rates, and pressures to determine the best rental equipment option.
Equipment Preparation
Upon receipt of the order, we prepare the equipment for shipping and perform any modifications required for special applications.
Equipment Shipment
Equipment is then shipped to site.
Site Installation & Commissioning
Once the equipment is delivered, our engineers remain on-site for installation and commissioning
Common Applications:
- Emergency Flare Replacement
- Flares for Day to Day Equipment Maintenance
- RTO/Incineration and Thermal Oxidation System Backup and Replacement
- High Pressure Blow-Downs (Pipeline and Product Storage)
- Low Pressure Tank Degassing
- Loading Operations (Gasoline and Others)
- Vapor Control
- VRU/Vapor Combustor Backup
- Combustion Equipment to Meet New Stream Regulations
- Capacity Upgrades for Existing Systems
- Performance Enhancement for Existing Systems
- Well Testing and Drilling
- Soil and Ground Water Remediation
Equipment Available:
- Large Elevated Flares
- Trailer Mounted Flares
- Skid Mounted Flares
- Air Assisted Flares
- Incinerators
- Thermal Oxidation Systems
- RTO Backup Systems
- Enclosed Flares
- Vapor Combustors
- Biogas Flares for Landfills and Digesters
- Knock Out Drums, Liquid Seals and Detonation Arresters
- And More…
Flare Rentals
Zeeco has a fleet of different types of flare systems that are available for short-term rental or long-time lease. Temporary flare systems are used for multiple purposes and for multiple applications.If a section of a pipeline needs to be repaired or inspected, a rental flare system can be used to dispose of the contents of the pipeline.
If a large tank or vessel needs to be evacuated for maintenance or inspection, again, a rental flare system can be applied. If the primary flare for a facility needs to be shut down or bypassed, a temporary flare can be applied. Zeeco has flare systems that are both portable (trailer mounted), or able to be moved to the job site on a truck for site assembly and use.
Our temporary flare systems range from 300+ foot tall (91+ m) guy wire supported units with all associated controls, to as simple as a small 2-inch flare tip assembly for well testing or use at a well site. Please contact us with information about your application and we can then make a recommendation from the equipment we have available.

Vapor Combustor Rentals
Zeeco maintains a rental fleet of skid and trailer-mounted vapor combustor units (VCU) staged around the world and available on demand. Designed with the end user in mind, our rental vapor
Pipeline Services & Engineered Solutions
Whether you are retiring an old pipeline or fixing leaks in an existing line, it is critical to depressurize the system to near atmospheric pressure. Zeeco’s pipeline specialists pipe up to your
Rental Capabilities
ZEECO® Combustion Rentals span the scope and capacity to keep any facility’s essential operations online during both planned and emergency flare outages
Combustion Rentals
Whether you have a full-scale emergency or a simple maintenance need, renting combustion equipment can be frustrating. With Zeeco, it doesn’t have to be.
Thermal Oxidizer / Incinerator Rentals
Incinerators and thermal oxidizers to burn waste gas and liquids are available on a rental basis. This equipment treats wastes generated by gas treating plants (tail gases/acid gases), glycol dehydration units (BTEX), amine treater acid gas, and specialty process plants, as well as wellhead and pipeline testing activities. Typically, the incinerator is a vertical unit and is complete with an automated control system and firing rate controls to assure compliance to local emission requirements. When requested, Zeeco can provide trained incinerator operators and assume responsibility for equipment mobilization, installations, and operations.

Packaged Thermal Oxidizers for Gas Processing Applications
Zeeco designs and delivers the most reliable and efficient combustion and environmental solutions for gas processing applications.
Thermal Oxidizer Rental Systems
Designed for wellhead, tank battery, and gas processing applications, Zeeco’s thermal oxidizers and skid- mounted or trailer-mounted flare rentals are reliable, smokeless solutions for production
Combustion Rentals
Whether you have a full-scale emergency or a simple maintenance need, renting combustion equipment can be frustrating. With Zeeco, it doesn’t have to be.
Vapor Combustor Rentals
Zeeco maintains a rental fleet of skid and trailer-mounted vapor combustor units (VCUs) staged around the world and available on demand. Designed with the end user in mind, our rental vapor combustors offer easy operation and installation within a matter of hours. Whether you need a simple skid-mounted design, or a fully-automated, trailer mounted ZEECO® ZEPHYR™, users depend on our proven, reliable smokeless solutions.
From the full spectrum of high flow and pressure hydrocarbon rich streams to lean low pressure contaminated air streams, our rental systems make automatic operational adjustments to provide consistent smokeless operation and high destruction efficiencies.
Fully enclosed to efficiently use both combustion and quench air, Zeeco’s vapor combustors maintain precise chamber temperatures to ensure optimal destruction and removal efficiencies (DRE) to meet or exceed the most stringent clean-air standards. Our vapor combustors can be fully automatic or manually operated, depending on your specific needs and regulatory requirements.
Design Features:
- Wide range of flow rates, including up to 4800 gpm for vapor loading
- Destruction efficiencies up to 99.9% with sample ports for testing
- Full turndown capability
- Smokeless performance from 0% to 100% operation
- Completely hidden flame and zero emitted radiation
- Flame arrestors on inlet for flashback prevention
- Automatic on/off operation for loading facilities based on pump operations
- Interchangeable tip designs for broad relief conditions
- Adjustable or controlled by forced draft to facilitate better mixing and stoichiometric combustion at the burner assembly
- Natural draft dampers for chamber combustion air and temperature control of vapor combustor
- Internal ceramic fiber refractory lining
- Thermowell and thermocouple for temperature monitoring of combustion chamber
- Fully automated controls system for automatic flame ignition and monitoring with electric or solar power
- Retractable pilot can be removed and maintained without shutting down
- DOT-compliant trailer-mounted option for easy transportation
- Trailer option with hydraulic outriggers and stack lift system for simple setup without need for cranes
- Skid mounted option for longer-term usage periods
- Can be used as a thermal oxidizer, flare, or vapor combustor to meet local regulations and existing permits
Options Available:
- Anti-flashback burners for supplemental flashback protection
- ZEECO ProFlame™ flame scanners
- Flame and detonation arrestors
- Assist gas for maintaining internal operating temperatures for high DRE
- Forced draft fan for smokeless operation
- Vapor blower for low/no pressure gas operation
- Solar-powered ignition system
- Auto or manual spark ignition
- Knock out drums and instrumentation
- Integrated dock safety system for loading applications

Vapor Combustor Rentals
Zeeco maintains a rental fleet of skid and trailer-mounted vapor combustor units (VCU) staged around the world and available on demand. Designed with the end user in mind, our rental vapor
Rental Capabilities
ZEECO® Combustion Rentals span the scope and capacity to keep any facility’s essential operations online during both planned and emergency flare outages
Combustion Rentals
Whether you have a full-scale emergency or a simple maintenance need, renting combustion equipment can be frustrating. With Zeeco, it doesn’t have to be.
Pipeline Blowdown
According to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), there are approximately 2.6 million miles of natural gas and hazardous liquid transportation pipelines in the United States. These pipelines receive countless millions of shipments each year and require careful maintenance and service to stay online. Before maintenance or replacement projects can begin, operators must clear a pipeline of gas or “blowdown” the line to relieve pressure. To prevent potentially hazardous gasses from venting or “bleeding-off” to the atmosphere, operators can either route gasses to a flare that destroys any volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that the gas may contain or utilize a pipeline compression unit to reroute the gas to an adjacent pipeline for reuse.
Zeeco’s Pipeline Services Division ensures your pipeline blowdown is safe, efficient, and effective. Our combustion experts assess Zeeco’s extensive inventory of open or enclosed flares, determine the optimal configuration for your job, or custom engineer a solution based on your unique requirements.
Common Equipment:
- Temporary (Rental) Flare
- Mobile (Trailer-Mounted) Flare Stack
- Open or Enclosed Flare
- Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compounds (HRVOC) Monitoring Trailer
- Pipeline Recompression Units
Engineering Services:
- Noise and Radiation Level Surveys and Analysis

Pipeline Services
Zeeco is the global leader in combustion and environmental solutions and the only combustion specialist in the pipeline industry.
Case Study: Pipeline Blowdown
In June 2018, a midstream company in Denver, CO needed to replace 17.82 miles of a 36” natural gas pipeline that could only be offline for a maximum of 48 hours.
Pipeline Recompression
Mitigate methane emissions further with ZEECO Pipeline Recompression rental units that connect to your pressurized systems, whether it is a small section of pipe, large transmission pipelines, or pressure vessels. Pressurized gasses are piped to Zeeco's recompression system and can be sent to an adjacent pipeline at a designated discharge pressure. The source pressure can be 1000 psig or greater and reduced as low as 5 psig. Any gas that remains in your pressurized system following this process can be destroyed with a Zeeco portable combustion device to further minimize emissions and your carbon footprint.
Recompression benefits:
- Zero routine flaring
- Methane mitigation
- Minimize emissions
- Cost savings
- Recover product
- Decompression of system with low noise and no visible flame
- Meet or exceed environmental and safety regulations
Services we offer
Zeeco can provide combustion and emissions control solutions wherever hydrocarbon processing takes place. Customers can find our equipment and services in upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and energy processes.
We also offer products and support for other industries and applications such as tank/terminal loading and storage, pharmaceutical, carbon black, pulp & paper, steel, food processing, and more.